Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Catching up photos
I've gatta catch up on the pictures I have taken in the past couple of months. I decided to use my makeup (the one with all the assorted colors that I never wear) to make us look like true BYU fans during the football game! (It only looks like he is wearing lipstick, but only because I smooched him!)
David's mom brought me back a beautiful Italian scarf! I wanted to show my appreciation by taking some pictures of us wearing it. I took a picture of me but it didn't come out too well. ;P David is much more photogenic!
My cutie just working on the computer! I blindsided him with the scarf!
Isn't he so great!? My baby puts up with a lot! I LOVE HIM! ;D
Posted by Ashley Merriman at 10:19 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Midweek Vacation!
This week we decided to go on a little vacation in the middle of the week. The occasion? Well, a while ago, we decided we were going to go to the BYU game at TCU, since it's the only time they would be playing within a couple hundred miles of us. Since it was a Thursday game, I was trying to figure out exactly how that was going to work, especially since I also wanted to go to the team fireside the night before the game. I asked Ashley, "Is there anything cool to do in Dallas?" And we both answered at the same time:
The Dallas Temple!See, the Dallas Temple is actually where Ashley and her family were sealed together back in 1999. So we thought it would be cool to go back there and go through it again. It was a great experience!
Then, we changed into our game attire and headed to the BYU game.Now, the traffic was bad, and the final score was worse, but we had a good time. We got home around 3 AM Friday morning, and I was back at work for 9 hours the next day. And honestly, it seemed like everything that could go wrong during the trip did go wrong. But it was all worth it! We had a great time together.
Posted by David Merriman at 10:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: BYU Football, temple
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Undercover agent
Okay, I know some of you out there have heard the rumors. I can now come out and confirm these rumors. Yes, David has gone undercover for the past 3 months in Iraq. He may be a mild-mannered computer programmer by day, but by night he's an invincible counter-terrorist undercover super-secret agent. I can't say too much about how it's going, but check out this article.
Posted by Ashley Merriman at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Frog kisses!
There is a really pretty trail behind our apartment complex and the other day I found a frog! I was so excited! :) So I caught it and David took a pic....and NO I didn't really kiss it. Gross!
Posted by Ashley Merriman at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Good Luck Charm!
So, I noticed something very, very interesting recently. Out of all the BYU games Ashley and I have watched together, BYU has always won. And yet, until the recent slaughter of UCLA and Wyoming, they've all been very close! A blocked extra point at Washington, a blocked field goal at the Vegas bowl, a 5 point win against TCU... I thought about it a little more, and it seemed like our current win streak began about the same time that I met Ashley, actually.
So, I did some research to back up my superstition. BYU's last loss was against Tulsa on Sept. 15, 2007. (Yeah, that's right - over a year now, baby! Take that, haters!) You wanna know what happened the very next day? That was the first time Ashley and I ever experienced reciprocation of occipitation, to use some 222 lingo. Ever since then, BYU has not lost a game! And more than that, we started consistently pulling out the close ones! It's like, we finally have all the elements in place! A dominant line on both sides of the ball, huge talent at the skill positions, good special teams, a good secondary, and the best coaching staff possible. All we needed was that final piece. And that final piece was getting Ashley in my life!
"Oh, come on! That's ridiculous!" You may mock. But once I finally got in the game and got moving towards marriage like I was supposed to, look what happened! I know you think that there's no connection, but I beg to differ. I quote Collie 4:18 -
"When you're doing what's right on and off the field, I think the Lord steps in and plays a part; magic happens."That's true in real life, too. I did what's right, and behold, a miracle happened: I found the woman of my dreams and married her! And if the Lord can make that happen, a undefeated season and a BCS bowl -- or, dare I say it, a chance at the championship game -- is nothing by comparison!
Magic happens.
I am a witness!
(While a lot of this post was tongue in cheek, I do think that Ashley has brought me the best luck I have ever had, and it's a miracle that I have her in my life. A BYU win streak is just one of the many, many blessings she has brought with her.)
Posted by David Merriman at 9:50 PM 0 comments