Sunday, March 15, 2009


Y'all probably think I'm a crappy wife b/c I haven't posted anything about David's bday. Things have just been crazy around here. I've been studying like crazy, actually working, AND getting everything worked out with the house. There was also added drama about our apartment...we were trying to get out of our lease early by threatening to sue b/c of the mold issue.. yeah, lets just say, it didn't work. lol But anyway!

We both had to work on David's bday, so when I got home from work, I took him out to dinner to a restaurante called Rudy's. They have the worlds best BBQ. It's pretty darn amazing... It's very casual but totally worth going to for a special occasion such as this! I wanted to bake an amazing cake (and be more like "Mandy, the wonderful cooking wife") lol but I didn't have enough time :(. So off to HEB I went to buy a little cake. (It tasted really good, by the way.) We had fun, at least I thought so. Maybe next year we can have more family here to celebrate....SINCE ALL Y'ALL SHOULD MOVE TO TEXAS! Happy Bday Davidey! te amo, mi amor!